The Jakarta Globe, an English newspaper, is looking for reporters to fill
up vacancies in business desk.
Journalists/ reporters who have good English competency, background in economics beat are strongly recommended to apply although they are not the ultimate consideration for the employment.
- The paper is also offering positions for fresh graduates (Bachelor degree
and higher) or experts from non-journalism field to join with special
considerations. Please put your reasoning why you are interested in joining
- Highly motivated, adaptable, good personalities, those who can work under
pressures and committed to deadlines are candidates that the paper is
looking for.
- Attractive packages and benefits.
Please send your CV, *example of any English written articles, either has
been published in the media or not (academics writing will also be counted),
*scanned (JPG) version of any IELTS, TOEFL certificates as well as cover
letter, explaning why you are interested in joining the paper to these
emails: or or
Or you can send your applications to: PT Jakarta Globe Media, Kawasan Bisnis
Granadha, Plaza Semanggi 9th Floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50, Karet Semanggi, Jakarta 12930
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Lowongan wartawan Antara
Bagi yang ingin karir sebagai wartawan, kantor berita Antara membuka peluang baru:
ANTARA membuka lowongan untuk wartawan baru dgn Persyaratan:
1. Pria/wanita maks 25 th
2. Pendidikan S1
3. Punya pengalaman jurnalistik lebih diutamakan
4. Punya kemampuan komunikasi yg memadai
5. TOEFL score 500
Bagi yg berminat/ada teman/saudaranya yg mau berkarir menjadi wartawan, silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV, foto terbaru (4x6) dan copy of TOEFL ke :
Departemen SDM Perum LKBN ANTARA, Wisma Antara Lantai 19, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan No 17 Jakarta 10110
Atau bisa via email ke: personalia@antara.
ANTARA membuka lowongan untuk wartawan baru dgn Persyaratan:
1. Pria/wanita maks 25 th
2. Pendidikan S1
3. Punya pengalaman jurnalistik lebih diutamakan
4. Punya kemampuan komunikasi yg memadai
5. TOEFL score 500
Bagi yg berminat/ada teman/saudaranya yg mau berkarir menjadi wartawan, silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV, foto terbaru (4x6) dan copy of TOEFL ke :
Departemen SDM Perum LKBN ANTARA, Wisma Antara Lantai 19, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan No 17 Jakarta 10110
Atau bisa via email ke: personalia@antara.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Web Journalism

Web Journalism
Practice and Promise of a New Medium
James Stovall
Feb 2004, Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN13: 9780205353989
ISBN10: 0205353983
Journalism on the Web explores the current practices and future possibilities of Web journalism and examines the characteristics of the Web that distinguish it from traditional media.
1. Logging on to the Web.
What Is the World Wide Web?Disadvantages of the Web.Whither Web Journalism?SIDEBAR: September 11, 2001.SIDEBAR: The President and the Intern.SIDEBAR: The Starr Report.COOL IDEAS: Don't Read and Drive; Listen Instead.
2. News Web Sites.
Defined and Current.Owned and Operated.Developing a Web Site (Or Not).Growing the Web Site.Independently Owned.News Sites that Didn't Mean to Be.Web Logs: A New Form of Journalism?Whither Web Sites?SIDEBAR: Content Management Systems.
3. News: Expanding the Definition.
Old News, Good News.News, and More of it.No More Deadlines.Non-Linearity.Audience-Generated News.Personalized News.Web Logs as News.Unseparating Church and State.And Finally…COOL IDEAS: If Readers Could Choose.
4. Reporting: Gathering News for the Web.
Something Old, Something News.Reporting: Where Journalism Begins.What Makes a Good Reporter.Sources and Procedures.Stored Sources.Speed and No Deadlines.Versatility and Teamwork.Beyond Traditional Sources.Lateral Thinking: Mind Expansion for the Web Journalist.Layering Information.What It Takes.
5. Writing.
Writing for the Media.Techniques of Journalistic Writing.Structures from Print.Web Writing Structures.Summaries.Writing for Visual Effect.New Forms of Writing.Web Logs.It's Still About Journalism.
6. Editing.
Editing for the Web.Upholding Standards.First Duty: Know the Language.Second-Level Editing: Formulating the Language.Headline, Summaries and Links.The Editor-Reporter Relationship.Convergence: Where Media Meet.Site Design and Organization.Encouraging and Managing Interactivity.Preserving the Site.SIDEBAR: Journalistic Style.SIDEBAR: The Five Commandments for the Copyeditor.
7. Photojournalism
Photojournalism: Journalism, Only Different.Life and Times of the Photojournalist.Developing the Good Picture.The Photo in Print.The Digital Revolution.The Web: Medium of Acceptance and Change.Ethical Considerations.Photo Web Sites.The Promise of the Web.
8. Graphics Journalism: Words and Pictures Together.
Graphics Revolution.Informational Graphics.Type-Based Graphics.Chart-Based Graphics.Three Basic Charts.Maps.Developing Infographics.Graphics on the Web.The Immediacy of Graphics Journalism.Animation.Conclusion.COOL IDEAS: Floating in Words.
9. Audio and Video: Sound and Little Fury.
The Web and Broadcast News.Reporting and Writing for Broadcast.Story Structure.Broadcasting Formats.Broadcast News Web Sites.Webcasting and Video on Demand.SIDEBAR: Broadcast Style.SIDEBAR: On-the-Air to Online.
10. Design: What Goes Where.
Sept. 11 and Beyond.Design and Layout.Visual Logic.Design Concepts.Three Elements of Design.Web Site Design.Organizing a Web Site.Web Pages.The Front Page.Section Fronts.Article Pages.Special Sections.Conclusions.
11. Engaging Audiences.
The Death of All Media.A Growing Audience.The Interactive Audience.Audience-Oriented Forms.Personalization: The Daily Me.Paying for It.Tracking Audiences.
12. Media Law Online (by Amelia Parker).
Broadcast Regulation.Decency Online.Defamation.Privacy.Copyright.Obscenity and Indecency.Conclusion.
13. The Web Culture: Inside MSNBC.
14. Big Issues.
Galloping Technology.The Digital Divide.Profitability.Will Newspapers Survive?The End of Journalism as We Know It.
Appendix A: Newsgathering Techniques.Appendix B: Journalistic Style.Appendix C: Type and Typefaces.

Journalism Ethics and Regulation
2nd Edition
Chris Frost
Mar 2007, Paperback, 352 pages
ISBN13: 9781405835367
ISBN10: 1405835362
Journalism Ethics and Regulation looks closely at the ethical considerations, moral dilemmas and challenges the practicing journalist faces every day. It provides journalism students and trainee journalists with the tools to make informed ethical decisions in their working lives.
In addition, Journalism Ethics and Regulation guides students through the maze of regulatory frameworks and codes of practice which they often find tough to negotiate.
1. Introduction
2. What Are Ethics?
3. News: Towards a Definition
4. Morality of Reporting
5. The Good Journalist
6. Truth, Accuracy, Objectivity and Trust
7. Privacy and Intrusion
8. Gathering the News
9. Reporting the Vulnerable
10. Deciding What To Publish
11. Taste and Decency; Harm and Offence
12. Professional Practice
13. Regulation
14. History of Print Regulation
15. History of Broadcast Regulation
16. Codes of Conduct as a Regulatory System
17. Regulation Systems in the UK
18. The Experience Abroad
19. The Future
20. Appendices
21. Glossary and Bibliography
* Comprehensive coverage of core ethical issues such as the ethics of news gathering, intrusion and privacy, and the difficulties of achieving truth, accuracy and objectivity under pressure
* Looks at what underpins ethics both in terms of everyday, minute-to-minute decisions and from where - historically and philosophically - codes and practices have emerged
* Extensively illustrated with topical examples and synthesises the major recent research into the area
* Considers the differences in regulation (both self and statutory) and practice between print and broadcast journalism and how these distinctions are blurring and changing
* Provides detailed coverage of the main codes of practice and regulatory bodies - PCC, Office of Communications, BBC, NUJ – in the UK and beyond
"Given the endless controversies around privacy, ethics and media regulation this book is a timely, comprehensive and indispensable handbook for journalists and a rallying cry for all those who believe ethical journalism is not just possible but an essential part of a free media in a democratic society.
Using real life examples Chris Frost's book is both a practical tool which deserves a place on every journalist's desk and an unbeatable guide to the origins, failures and successes of media regulation in the UKand beyond.
Chris Frost stands robustly in favour of a more ethical journalism - his book is a very welcome contribution to the debate about the role of journalists and regulation in achieving that".
- Jeremy Dear, General Secretary of the National Unionof Journalists (NUJ)
Global Journalism

Global Journalism
Topical Issues and Media Systems
5th Edition
Arnold de Beer, John Merrill
May 2009, Paperback, 504 pages
ISBN13: 9780205608119
ISBN10: 0205608116
Thoroughly reviewed, with new chapters and several new authors, Global Journalism addresses the most pertinent issues and problems in today's global journalism. This new edition recognizes the vast and rapid changes taking place in global journalism across media systems on all continents. Its three interlinking parts offer an overview of the present state of media and journalism theory; a critical analysis of the main issues confronting global journalists, media organizations, audiences, and others in the media world; and a focus on the media of the world’s eight major journalism and media regions.
Global Journalism has established itself over a quarter of a century as a trusted authority on international media. The new edition carries that reputation further into the 21st Century for a new generation of journalism and media scholars, students, and media professionals.
Preface. John C Merrill.
Part I: Global Perspectives on Media and Journalism Issues
1. Global Press Philosophies. John C. Merrill.
2. Critical and non-Western Press Philosophies. Herman Wasserman, .
Part II Barriers and Callenges to Global Journalism
3. Global and National News Agencies. Terhi Rantanen and Oliver Boyd-Barrett.
4. Barriers to Media Development. Paul Parsons, Rich Landesberg and Glenn Scott.
5. Freedom of the Press Around The World. Lee B. Becker and Tudor Vlad.
6. International Journalism Ethics. Herman Wasserman.
7. Global Advertising and Public Relations. Doug Newsom.
8. Continuing Media Controversies. Paul Grosswiler.
9. Global Journalism Education. Mark Deuze.
10. Journalists: International Profiles. Beate Josephi.
11. Journalists Reporting From Foreign Places. P. Eric Louw.
12. Global News Arnold S. de Beer.
13. Western Europe. Byron T. Scott.
14. Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States of Eurasia, and Russia. Allen W. Palmer.
15. The Middle East and North Africa. Orayb A. Najjar.
16. Sub-Saharan Africa (East, West and South). Minabere Ibelema and Tanja Bosch
17. Asiaand the Pacific. Jiafei Yin.
18. Australasia. Stephen Quinn and John Tidey.
19. Latin America. Federico Subervi.
20. North America. William Briggs.
* Covers both the major philosophical, problematic and controversial issues of global journalism, as well as informed discussions on how it is practiced today around the world.
* Features the work of 25 national and internationally published authors, including some of the world’s foremost scholars in specialized areas of research.
* Prof John C. Merrill, the well-known internationally acclaimed pioneer of global journalism and media studies, has now turned the editorship of Global Journalism over to Arnold S. de Beer, who co-authored the 4th edition with Merrill.
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